What's on

Chess at the library
Last Wednesday of the month - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm.
No experience necessary

Games night
For fun and conversation, join games night at Gore Library. We provide the games.
First and third Wednesday of every month, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Crafternoon Tea
Join our awesome Library team for its monthly Crafternoon Tea sessions.
First session for 2024: Tuesday 30 January from 1:00pm - 3:00pm in the Gore Library, these sessions will run on the last Tuesday of each month.
Bring your own craft project to work on, share ideas and have a chat. Cup of tea or coffee provided.

The Reading Revolution
'Gather Round Reading Group'
Do you like to read? Chat? Enjoy a cuppa?
If you answered yes to any of those, you want to check out our new reading group where you come along, listen to stories and poetry read to you, followed by discussion. No bookings required.
When: Fortnightly, Thursday's between 10:00am - 11:00am
Where: Upstairs in the Hokanui Ruma Hui, Gore Library, 10C Ardwick Street, Gore
Contact: [email protected] or phone 03 203 9129 to find out more.
"Books uplifting hearts & minds"

Justice of the peace
Wednesday 6:30pm at Gore Library (Ardwick Street)
A Justice of the Peace can:
- witness signatures on documents
- certify copies of documents (including email attachments and phone messages)
- take oaths, declarations, affidavits or affirmations
- confirm identity
Remember: do not sign anything beforehand. Take photo identification. Remember to take the original as well as the copy to be certified. Check that a NZ Justice of the Peace can complete your documentation.

Having trouble with your phone? Don't know how to delete emails? Do you need FREE digital help?
Every Monday 3:30pm - 5:00pm at Gore Library.
Come in for free digital help from local students. Excludes school holidays.

Device Dilemmas
Having trouble with your phone, tablet or computer? Do you need FREE digital help?
Every Monday 2:00pm - 3:00pm at Mataura Library.
Come in for free digital help in a friendly environment. No bookings required.