Computers & WiFi

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Computers & WiFi

The network is provided free of charge by the National Library of New Zealand via the Aotearoa People’s Network Kaharoa (APNK).

View terms of usage

The computers use Google Chrome and Google Docs, not Microsoft Office. Other web-based word processing services are available if you have/create an account. Each Chrome station has a USB port and a webcam.

Each session is 30 minutes. Gore District Libraries reserve the right to limit the number of sessions per customer per day. Children and teens (under 18) up to maximum one hour per day. Computers shut down 10 minutes before closing time. Headsets are available - please ask staff.

Gore Library also has computers specifically for and Find My Past.

Free Wi-Fi is available. Select APNK Library. The secure access password is apnk2765. At the APNK welcome page accept the terms and conditions to continue. There are no facilities for charging within the temporary Gore Library.